GESE 10 Youth Behaviour Lesson

In this download there is a lesson plan based around a reading text about whether adults should be held responsible for their actions as youths. You can use it to help your Trinity Grade 10 students prepare for their GESE 10 exam.
How to Use the GESE 10 Youth Behaviour Lesson
The lesson is based on a text about the Camila Cabello and whether she should be accountable for content she posted when she was younger. There are three stages – pre-reading, reading, and post-reading.
The pre-reading activity is there to help students think about the topic of the reading text and begin to predict what might be included. The students discuss a few quotes and memes about youth behaviour and their views.
The reading text is set-up like the long reading texts in the ISE exams – the students have to match the titles to the paragraphs, they have to find the true statements about the text and they have to complete some sentences with words from the text. Obviously, this is good practice for any student who is planning on doing the ISE III exam. However, it doesn’t matter if your students haven’t done an ISE exam before – they are just comprehension questions to help them to understand the text and for you to check their comprehension.
Once the students have read the text and completed the questions (and you have given them feedback), there are a couple of post-reading activities. These are important as they allow the students to reflect on what they have read and work on the language included in the text. There is also a writing task, similar to the Task 4 Extended writing task in the ISE exams. Again, don’t worry if your students aren’t looking towards doing an ISE exam – writing is still useful for developing students’ language skills as it allows them to consolidate the language structures and lexis they need for the GESE 10 exam. And the task will be good practice for any students who might go on to do an ISE exam.
The students have to write an article about posting content online when you are young – you might find this handout with useful words and phrases for writing articles useful. You can download it for free!
You can download the lesson by clicking on the red button below. We hope you and your students enjoy it :)
File: GESE 10 Youth Behaviour Lesson
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